Internal Family Systems Therapy

These are exciting times at LST. And one of the most exciting events is coming up on 9th and 10th June 2014, when Richard Schwartz, the founder of Internal Family Systems, will be holding a two-day conference entitled: 'An Introduction to Internal Family Systems'.

What's special about this, is that Richard Schwartz is rarely in the UK, and never has participated in an Internal Family Systems Conference on UK soil, which includes a dialogue from a Christian world view.

So are you students, counsellors or therapists intrigued to learn more about this model? Or are you experienced practitioners already working with this model and/or aspects of the internal family, including parts and Self, and want to know how to use it within an holistic approach or Christian framework? If so, this conference is for you and bookings can be accessed on:

Hope to see you here!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for organising a great couple of days CPD at LST with IFS and Richard Schwartz. It has consolidated prior learning well and it was such a privilege to hear directly from Richard about his methods and experiences.
